Implementing transaction automation through powerful APIs

Build your own E-wallet to support your global business,
PPS will be your best choice

Contact sales

Payment API

API makes it possible for PPS account holders to make payments to merchant's PPS account real-time when shopping online or paying service charges.

① Customer chooses products from merchant's website.

② PPS log-in page opens.

③ Payment information shows up after customer logs in. Confirm the debit currency.

④ Payment is done once you hit the OK button.

Account registration API

By sending us an API request, companies can open a customer account with temporary registration status. Customers with a temporary registration account can use their account after activating it in accordance with the notification email.

Remittance API

Merchants partner with PPS to enable payment 24/7 world-wide, real-time instant transfers to affiliates' or members' accounts by creating APIs on their sites.

① Customer can send a withdrawal request on the merchant's website.

② Merchant receives the withdrawal request in the admin system and must approve.

③ The requested amount is automatically transferred to the user by API.

④ The user can check the balance in the PPS system.

Know all the functions and
how they can help you